Sunday, February 25, 2007

List Building - Your First Autoresponder Message

By Tellman Knudson Platinum Quality Author

So, you've got your squeeze page up and you're almost ready to start list building, right? You've chosen an autoresponder, and now you have to load messages into it. What should they say?

Let's take a "list building" newsletter, for instance. (Which really isn't a great topic if you're just starting out, because you're still learning. How can you tell other people how to build a list? Right? But let's just use it as an example.) The first message should say

"Thanks for joining my list building newsletter, mailing list, etc. I'll be sending you tips/issues each week/every day about great list building strategies."
Then, give them their first issue or first tip about list building. In your P. S., remind them to pick up a copy of whatever it is you're selling that pertains to list building, be it yours or someone else's. And then, tell them it will really help them a lot.

Two caveats here:

Number one, try the product you want to sell people. Sign up, buy it, and then use it to see if it works well. If not, why would you try to pawn it off on someone else, just to make money? It's not ethical! Instead, find a product that you can solidly stand behind and let the people on your list know that you've used it and think it's awesome.

Number two, make sure the product is pertinent to the list. If you're writing to them about list building, an information product about Internet Marketing would be appropriate. But think about this, if you're writing about golf and try to sell those people a product about Internet Marketing, they'll think you're looney and you'll lose their trust. Only golfing products to golfers. See?

So, if you're writing about list building, choose a few list building products to promote.

The most important asset you have is your list. Never make the mistake of just sending product offers every single day, just random things that you haven't tried. If you do, you'll regret it and get tons of unsubscribes. What's worse is that you'll never get those people to trust you again.

If they buy your product great! Then, be sure to send them a thank you letter. And in that, you can always offer something else. Put them into a special autoresponder account for people who bought from you. Send them the same list of tips as you'd send to other list members, only offer them progressively more expensive products. If they trust you, they'll buy more than one.

But remember, don't treat your list members like ATMs. They're people. Only offer them things you're sure that will help them. You aren't forcing them to buy, but you are bringing great things to their attention that they might never have found on their own. When it's time to go to bed at night, you'll sleep well knowing that you're not just making money, but you're helping other people to succeed, too.

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

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Anonymous said...

How to Build Thousands of Responsive Subscribers in
The Self-Improvement Industry,

All you have to do is donate one of your high quality
products for each visitor to download, tell your list
about this giveaway event, and earn up to 50% affiliate
commission automatically.

sky said...

Hey really your tips are quite know...
How to Build Thousands of Responsive Subscribers in
The Self-Improvement Industry,
Here Are 3 Rules To Add 5000 Members To Your List
Rule #1: Participate in a MEGA giveaway event
Rule#2: Promote the event and have fun
Rule#3: Obey Rule 1 and 2